Permalink: 2014-05-21 14:17:46 by ning in redis tags: all

1   设计理念

  • Eliminate small, random disk writes
    • batched write
    • 如果用mmap的方式使用ssd(比如mongo), 就会产生很多随机写.
  • Minimize disk reads on cache hit
    • Fatcache reduces disk reads by maintaining an in-memory index for all on-disk data.
    • no disk accesses on cache miss and only a single disk access on cache hit.
  • 定期gc, 对所有在磁盘上, 而不在内存索引中的元素清掉.

  • 内存index
    • 所有key放在内存中, 内存中hash表记录value在磁盘上的位置.
    • 拉链式hash表
    • 为了减少key放在内存中的大小, 使用sha1, (冲突在读的时候会检测, 写的时候覆盖.)
    • The index entry (struct itemx) on a 64-bit system is 44 bytes in size

2   代码


ning@ning-laptop ~/idning-github/fatcache/src$ cat *.c *.h|wc -l






fc_memcache.c           协议解析.
fc_request.c            #处理请求, 转化为itemx/slab 存储. 读取.
fc_response.c           #如何发送response



util事件处理 部分和twemproxy有极大复用度. 请求处理部分主要是协议的解析.



  • item: 一个kv对,
  • itemx: 索引项
  • slab: 用来存储item, 一个slab默认是1M(最大可配为512M), 可以存放多个item. slab有内存和磁盘两种类型.


struct item {
    uint32_t          magic;      /* item magic (const) */
    uint32_t          offset;     /* raw offset from owner slab base (const) */
    uint32_t          sid;        /* slab id (const) */
    uint8_t           cid;        /* slab class id (const) */
    uint8_t           unused[2];  /* unused */
    uint8_t           nkey;       /* key length */
    uint32_t          ndata;      /* date length */
    rel_time_t        expiry;     /* expiry in secs */
    uint32_t          flags;      /* flags opaque to the server */
    uint8_t           md[20];     /* key sha1*/
    uint32_t          hash;       /* key hash */
    uint8_t           end[1];     /* item data */

uint8_t * item_key(struct item *it) { return it->end; }                                     //获得item->key
uint8_t * item_data(struct item *it) { return it->end + it->nkey; }                         //获得item->value
size_t item_ntotal(uint8_t nkey, uint32_t ndata) { return ITEM_HDR_SIZE + nkey + ndata; }   //获得item大小.

struct itemx {
    STAILQ_ENTRY(itemx) tqe;    /* link in index / free q */
    uint8_t             md[20]; /* sha1 */
    uint32_t            sid;    /* owner slab id */
    uint32_t            offset; /* item offset from owner slab base */
    uint64_t            cas;    /* cas */
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));

struct slab {
    uint32_t  magic;     /* slab magic (const) */
    uint32_t  sid;       /* slab id */
    uint8_t   cid;       /* slab class id */
    uint8_t   unused[3]; /* unused */
    uint8_t   data[1];   /* opaque data */

2.1   fc_request.c 中的请求处理

static void
req_process_get(struct context *ctx, struct conn *conn, struct msg *msg)
    struct itemx *itx;
    struct item *it;

    itx = itemx_getx(msg->hash, msg->md);
    if (itx == NULL) {
        msg_type_t type;

         * On a miss, we send a "END\r\n" response, unless the request
         * is an intermediate fragment in a fragmented request.
        if (msg->frag_id == 0 || msg->last_fragment) {
            type = MSG_RSP_END;
        } else {
            type = MSG_EMPTY;

        rsp_send_status(ctx, conn, msg, type);

     * On a hit, we read the item with address [sid, offset] and respond
     * with item value if the item hasn't expired yet.
    it = slab_read_item(itx->sid, itx->offset);
    if (it == NULL) {
        rsp_send_error(ctx, conn, msg, MSG_RSP_SERVER_ERROR, errno);
    if (item_expired(it)) {
        rsp_send_status(ctx, conn, msg, MSG_RSP_NOT_FOUND);

    rsp_send_value(ctx, conn, msg, it, itx->cas);

static void
req_process_set(struct context *ctx, struct conn *conn, struct msg *msg)
    uint8_t *key, nkey, cid;
    struct item *it;

    key = msg->key_start;
    nkey = (uint8_t)(msg->key_end - msg->key_start);

    cid = item_slabcid(nkey, msg->vlen);
    if (cid == SLABCLASS_INVALID_ID) {
        rsp_send_error(ctx, conn, msg, MSG_RSP_CLIENT_ERROR, EINVAL);

    itemx_removex(msg->hash, msg->md);

    it = item_get(key, nkey, cid, msg->vlen, time_reltime(msg->expiry),
                  msg->flags, msg->md, msg->hash);
    if (it == NULL) {
        rsp_send_error(ctx, conn, msg, MSG_RSP_SERVER_ERROR, ENOMEM);

    mbuf_copy_to(&msg->mhdr, msg->value, item_data(it), msg->vlen);

    rsp_send_status(ctx, conn, msg, MSG_RSP_STORED);

2.2   mmap 的和 MAP_ANONYMOUS

代码中看到下面这种用法, 不理解是什么意思, 于是查了一下:

void *
_fc_mmap(size_t size, const char *name, int line)
             -1, 0);


  The mapping is not backed by any file; its contents are initialized to zero.  The fd and offset arguments are ignored; however, some implementations require fd to be  -1  if  MAP_ANONYMOUS
  (or MAP_ANON) is specified, and portable applications should ensure this.  The use of MAP_ANONYMOUS in conjunction with MAP_SHARED is only supported on Linux since kernel 2.4.

mmap 的 MAP_ANONYMOUS 相当于malloc一片内存:

MAP_ANONYMOUS is commonly used for two things on systems that implement it:

  • To share a memory region between a parent and a child, as you said. However, it requires that the child does not execve(), since it must have the pointer to the mmap()ed address.
  • To simply get memory pages from the kernel. That's how most malloc() implementations work nowadays. (The glibc malloc() uses brk() for small allocations and mmap() with MAP_ANONYMOUS for big ones.)


    /* init item index memory */
    itx = fc_mmap(settings.max_index_memory);
    if (itx == NULL) {
        return FC_ENOMEM;
    istart = itx;
    iend = itx + n;

    /* init nmslab, mstart and mend */
    nmslab = MAX(nctable, settings.max_slab_memory / settings.slab_size);
    mspace = nmslab * settings.slab_size;
    mstart = fc_mmap(mspace);

2.3   如何获取device_size

fc_device_size(const char *path, size_t *size)
    fd = open(path, O_RDONLY, 0644);
    status = ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64, size);
    return FC_OK;

3   slab逻辑

fatcache 有两种slab: mem-slabdisk-slab, 大小相同,


一个slab里面可以包含多个item. 写操作都是写到mem-slab, 写满一个, 就交换到disk-slab, 能做到顺序写, 随机读, 从而最大化ssd利用率.

3.1   启动

struct settings {
    size_t   max_slab_memory;              /* maximum memory allowed for slabs in bytes */
    size_t   max_index_memory;             /* maximum memory allowed for in bytes */
    size_t   slab_size;                    /* slab size */

    size_t   chunk_size;                   /* minimum item chunk size */
    size_t   max_chunk_size;               /* maximum item chunk size */
    double   factor;                       /* item chunk size growth factor */

启动后, 先从配置中获得slab_size, 根据配置的mem-slab大小和磁盘大小, 计算总共有多少个slab, 分别初始化 ctable和stable:


    status = slab_init_ctable();                //根据factor, 初始化一系列slab-class, 每个slab-class的item-size呈递增关系.

    nmslab = MAX(nctable, settings.max_slab_memory / settings.slab_size);

    status = fc_device_size(settings.ssd_device, &size);
    ndchunk = size / settings.slab_size;        //整个device能放多少个slab?
    ASSERT(settings.server_n <= ndchunk);
    ndslab = ndchunk / settings.server_n;

    status = slab_init_stable();

slab的总个数就是nmslab+ndslab. slab总数, mslab, dslab 的个数都是不会变的.

初始化完成后, 所有的mem-slab和disk-slab都被标记为free(放到free_xxx_q里面)

初始化完成后, 如下图所示:

3.2   启动日志如下

$ ./src/fatcache -D /dev/sdb -p 11211 -s 0/8
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc.c:683 fatcache-0.1.1 started on pid 1721
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc.c:688 configured with debug logs disabled, asserts disabled, panic disabled
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:85 slab size 1048576, slab hdr size 12, item hdr size 52, item chunk size 88
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:88 index memory 0, slab memory 67108864, disk space 239498952704
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   0: items   11915  size      88  data      36  slack      44
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   1: items    9362  size     112  data      60  slack      20
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   2: items    7281  size     144  data      92  slack     100
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   3: items    5698  size     184  data     132  slack     132
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   4: items    4519  size     232  data     180  slack     156
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   5: items    3542  size     296  data     244  slack     132
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   6: items    2788  size     376  data     324  slack     276
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   7: items    2221  size     472  data     420  slack     252
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   8: items    1771  size     592  data     540  slack     132
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class   9: items    1409  size     744  data     692  slack     268
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  10: items    1120  size     936  data     884  slack     244
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  11: items     891  size    1176  data    1124  slack     748
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  12: items     712  size    1472  data    1420  slack     500
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  13: items     569  size    1840  data    1788  slack    1604
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  14: items     455  size    2304  data    2252  slack     244
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  15: items     364  size    2880  data    2828  slack     244
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  16: items     291  size    3600  data    3548  slack     964
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  17: items     232  size    4504  data    4452  slack    3636
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  18: items     186  size    5632  data    5580  slack    1012
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  19: items     148  size    7040  data    6988  slack    6644
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  20: items     119  size    8800  data    8748  slack    1364
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  21: items      95  size   11000  data   10948  slack    3564
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  22: items      76  size   13752  data   13700  slack    3412
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  23: items      60  size   17192  data   17140  slack   17044
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  24: items      48  size   21496  data   21444  slack   16756
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  25: items      39  size   26872  data   26820  slack     556
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  26: items      31  size   33592  data   33540  slack    7212
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  27: items      24  size   41992  data   41940  slack   40756
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  28: items      19  size   52496  data   52444  slack   51140
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  29: items      15  size   65624  data   65572  slack   64204
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  30: items      12  size   82032  data   81980  slack   64180
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  31: items      10  size  102544  data  102492  slack   23124
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  32: items       8  size  128184  data  128132  slack   23092
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  33: items       6  size  160232  data  160180  slack   87172
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  34: items       5  size  200296  data  200244  slack   47084
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  35: items       4  size  250376  data  250324  slack   47060
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  36: items       3  size  312976  data  312924  slack  109636
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  37: items       2  size  391224  data  391172  slack  266116
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  38: items       2  size  489032  data  488980  slack   70500
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  40: items       1  size  764120  data  764068  slack  284444
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  41: items       1  size  955152  data  955100  slack   93412
[Wed May 21 21:51:51 2014] fc_slab.c:94 class  42: items       1  size 1048564  data 1048512  slack       0

3.3   写操作过程中对slab的使用

    cid = item_slabcid(nkey, msg->vlen)     //计算需要一个多大的item
    itemx_removex(msg->hash, msg->md);      //如果索引里面已有, 删掉
    item_get                                //获得一个klen+vlen大小的item.
            1. 尝试从ctable[cid]->partial_msinfoq 里面获取.  如果获取到则返回
            2. 尝试从free_msinfoq中获取一个free的mslab挂到 ctable[cid]->partial_msinfoq, to 1.
            3. 如果上面两步都失败, 则 slab_drain()
                如果还有空闲的dslab, 直接把这个mslab刷到dslab.
                slab_evict //先回收一块磁盘上的空间. (这会导致写操作的时候有读)
                _slab_drain //把一个写满的mem_slab刷盘.
                    - pwrite

这里我主要分析mem-slab和disk-slab交换的过程, 在如下时刻都是转折点:

  1. 启动后第一个插入操作.
  2. mem-slab用光, 开始启用第一个disk-slab
  3. disk-slab用光, 开始会对disk-slab做回收.


在获取slab的过程中, 我们假设 假设每次写操作都希望获得一个size为100的item, 这样就只会涉及到一个slab class.( ctable[1] )

  1. 第一次写, 发现 ctable[1]->partial_msinfoq 为空, 于是从 free_msinfoq 中拿一个挂到 ctable[cid]->partial_msinfoq , 并从这个slab中分配一个item, 写入数据, 这样一直写, 直到这个slab写满, 就把它移到full_msinfoq, 并获取下一个free_msinfoq


  2. 当mem-slab用光后, 就会开始使用disk-slab, 这是通过一次drain实现的, drain 会找到一个free 的disk-slab, 把它刷到这个disk-slab对应的磁盘上, 这样就产生了一个free-mem-slab 和一个full-disk-slab.

    此后full_msinfoq 就一直处于空的状态, 每次需要一个slab, 都发生一次drain, 每次drain都会消耗一个disk-slab, 如下图:

  3. 再过了一段时间, disk-slab用光, 此时mem-slab 和disk-slab都full, 此时为了获得一个disk-slab, 就会发生一次 evict, 驱逐掉一个disk-slab中的数据(最老的) 获得一个free-disk-slab, 然后回到2, 获得一个free-mem-slab

    • 这里是一种fifo的淘汰, 比较悲剧?

4   性能测试

我的性能测试, 先set 10亿条100字节的数据, 再来get:

num = 1000000000 #10亿
cmd = 'mc-benchmark  -p 11211 -n %s -r %s -d 100' % (num, num)

发现, fatcache始终能维持5w+的 写入和读取, 但是问题是, 读压力的时候, 磁盘的read-iops才不到100, 这很不合理. 具体原因没有仔细追查.

因为 -n 1000000000 -r 100000000000 的话, 命中率只有1%. 很多查询通过内存就能发现key不存在, 根本不需要访问ssd.

benchmark的结果(图中前半段是写入, 后半段是读取, 读取时的r/s很低, 不能解释):

5   小结

  • 限制: item (key+value必须小于一个slab)
  • disk-slab的回收是fifo, 这不好.
  • 裸写设备的方法, 虽然能更好的利用磁盘的iops, 但是我不太喜欢.
  • fc 不会持久化, 虽然它写磁盘, 但是它重启的时候, 是默认把所有slab都标记为free.
  • sha1 做index里面的key, 也是一个不好的地方

6   TODO


  • 从代码看, 应该是现有twemproxy, 后有fatcache.
  • 如何处理expire, 参看 req_process_get
  • 目测get的时候一个kv, 只能放在一个mbuf里面 rsp_send_value?
  • 没有主从同步等机制.


  • 自己管理实现存储引擎, 需要关注空间分配, 回收, 索引等, 略复杂, 用levelDB是比较好的方案. 不用关注这一层的细节.
